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Web usability >
Pants websites
Why the icscottishrecruitment website is pants |
Where do I begin, to tell the story of how bad a site can be?
Start off by looking for everything.
You will see from the next image showing the results that some of the jobs have a year of 21, 22 or 23. The reader is left to wonder if this is 1921 and entered by telegraph or 2021 and entered by time travel. Alternatively, maybe they anticipate a labour shortage in twenty years and thought it prudent to start hiring now?
Here's another one. A list of salaries some with a currency and some without. Take the one on £60,000.
Search for jobs by salary, tick every box just to make sure. These are checkboxes, if you were only meant to check one they would be radio buttons.
The £60,000 job disappeared. Where did it go? Also 1 to 0 of 0, what's all that about? Maybe "No jobs found" might be a bit less mathematical and a bit less embarrassing.
Giving up on the broken salary search, how about searching by location? Look at this weird and wonderful list. It's a strange mix of towns (Dumbarton), Cities (Edinburgh), regions (Central) and merged counties (Lanarkshire - should be North and South Lanarkshire). In this strange and bizarre carve up of Scotland, major areas such as "West Lothian" have been entirely left off the list. Also, there are overlaps as Inverness is in the Highlands & Islands and Glasgow is in Lanarkshire. A simple list of the current counties with the option to multiselect would have been better here.
Here we have the results of vacancies but none showing, even though we're looking at record 391 of 290 (laugh).
Haven given up on the broken salary search and the confusing location search, we now turn to the job title search
I haven't heard of 296957 as part of a job title before have you? Nearer the top, the use of "Glasgow" in the job title won't be doing much for the data quality. Hint: This information belongs in a location field.
Finally, the site attempts to impress by returning large numbers of results. However, a closer investigation reveals that many are over 6 months old. Here's a random sample. See how many other problems you can spot on the page, how about that nice £5.50 salary - is that annual like all the others listed?
Dear IcScottishRecruitment. I couldn't see much Scottish Recruitment, too many bugs got in the way. Did you test this at all?
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