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Scottish music information

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Scottish Music Centre

The Scottish music centre has compiled a book with over 3,000 entries giving details of Scottish music performers (classical, early music, folk and traditional jazz), music education, sources of funding, suppliers and services, venues, clubs and promoters, festivals and competitions. The book also has sections on young peoples' music, music from other cultures and publicity and marketing.

ISBN 0 9525489 0 9 paperback
210mm x 148mm 320pp 12.99 pounds
published 30-Nov-95

Available from:
Scottish music information centre
1 Bowmont Gardens
G12 9LR
Tel: 0141 334 6393
Fax: 0141 337 1161

All the directory data from the book is now on their database-driven web site, allowing on-line searching and access.

The SMC also has information about music broadcast on some Scottish radio programmes.

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