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This is an extensive list of Celtic studies research material. This was compiled by Denise Inglis and was compiled during research for her thesis. This list is also available to FTP from

Celtic reading list compiled by Denise Inglis

Reading list

First Light on an Irish Tomb (ancient tomb at Newgrange may have had astronomical function.) Science News 135 (Feb. 11, 1989) : 88ff.

Alcock, Leslie. Arthur's Britain : History and Archaeology - A. D. 367-634. London : Allen Lane, 1974.

Anderson, Marjorie O. The Celtic Church in Kinrimund. IN The Mediaeval Church of St. Andrews.

Arbesmann, Rudolph. The cervuli and anniculae in Caesarius of Arles. Traditio 35:89-119 1979.

Bamford, Christopher. Ecology and Holiness : The Heritage of Celtic Christianity. Epiphany : A Journal of Faith and Insight. No. 3, 66-78, Spring 1983.

Bammesberger, Alfred, and Wollmann, Alfred, eds. Britain 400-600: language and history [conf pprs, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon lang & hist, Eichstatt, W Germany, 1988; indexed selectively]. Anglistische Forschungen, 205. Heidelberg, Germany : Carl Winter Universitatsverlag, 1990.

Barton, Beverly. Sketches and Reflections on a Celtic Pilgrimage. illus, by M. Bowes & A. Mitchell. Epiphany : A Journal of Faith and Insight 6 No. 4, 70-75 Summer, 1986.

Beaulieu, Jean-Baptiste Colbert de. La monnaie au nom des rois Gesatorix et Ecritusirus. IN Studia Paulo Naster Oblata, 1; ed by S Scheers, 1982. pp. 305-322.

Bede. Opera Historica. Loeb Classical Library, 2 vol. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 1954.

Biel, Jorg. A Celtic Grave in Hochdorf, Germany. Archaeology 40 (Nov - Dec, 1987) : 22ff.

Biel, Jorg. Treasure From a Celtic Tomb. National Geographic 157 (March 1980) : 428-438.

Bieler, Ludwig. Ancient Hagiography and the Lives of St. Patrick. IN Forma futuri : studi in onone de Cardinale Michele Pelligrino. ed. Antonio Maddalena. 650-655, 1975. Turin : Bottega d'Erasmo.

Bieler, Ludwig. Christian Ireland's Graeco-Latin Heritage. Studia Patristica 13 (part 2) ed. Elizabeth Livingstone. Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 1975, 3-9.

Bieler, Ludwig. Ireland: Harbinger of the Middle Ages. New York : Oxford University Press.

Bieler, Ludwig. Patrick's Synod: A Revision. Melange Offerts a Mademoiselle C. Mohrmann ed. T. N. Hamess et. al. Utrecht/Anvers : Spectrum Editeurs, 1963, 96-102

Bieler, Ludwig. The Celtic Hagiographer. Studia Patristica vol. 5, (1964) 243-265.

Bieler, Ludwig. The Irish Penitentials : Their Religious and Social Background. Studia Patristica vol. 18 (Part II) ed. by F. L. Cross. Berlin, 1966, 329-339.

Bieler, Ludwig. The Life and Legend of St. Patrick. Dublin : Clonmore and Reynolds, 1949.

Binchy, Daniel A. A pre-Christian survival in mediaeval Irish hagiography. IN Ireland in early medieval Europe; ed by D Whitelock; et al., 1982. pp. 165-178.

Birley, Eric. The Deities of Roman Britain. IN Principat 18,1 : Heidentum : Dei religiosen Verhaltnisse in den Provinzen. Aufsteig und Niedergang der romischen Welt 2, 18: 1, ed. by Wolfgang Haase. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 1986, pp. 3-112.

Boyd, Robin. Ireland: Christianity discredited or pilgrim's progress? Risk no. 37:1-127, 1988.

Boyle, Alexander. The Birthplace of St. Patrick. Scottish Historical Review 60 No.2, 156 160, October 1981.

Bradshaw, Brendan. The wild and woolly West: early Irish Christianity and Latin orthodoxy. The churches, Ireland and the Irish; ed by W Sheils and D Wood, 1989. pp. 1-23.

Brenneman, Walter L. Serpents, Cows and Ladies : Contrasting Symbolism in Irish and Indo-European Cattle Raiding Myth. History of Religion 28 : 340-354, May 1989.

Brown, T. J. An Historical Introduction to the Use of Classical Latin Authors in the British Isles From the 5th to the 11th Century. IN La Cultura antica nell'Occidente Latinodal 7 all 11 secolo. ed, Jeauneau, Edouard. 237-293, 1975. (22nd Conference Centro Italiano di Studi sull'alto Medioevo. Spoleto, Italy : Centro Italiano di Studisull'alto Medioevo.)

Browne, Ray Broadus. The Celtic Cross, Studies in Irish Culture and Literature. Freeport, New York : Books for Libraries Press, 1970.

Butler, L. A. S. Continuity of settlement in Wales in the central Middle Ages. IN Studies in Celtic survival; ed by L. Laing, 1977. pp. 61-66.

Carey, John. Ireland and the Antipodes: the heterodoxy of Virgil of Salzburg. Speculum 64 : 1-10, January 1989.

Carmichael, Alexander, ed. Sun [Celtic poem fr The Sun Dance, 1960]. Epiphany 6 No 1:78, Fall 1985.

Carmichael, Alexander, ed. The voice of thunder [Celtic poem fr The Sun Dance, 1960]. Epiphany 6 No. 1:79, Fall 1985.

Carmichael, Alexander, ed. The new moon [Celtic poem fr The Sun Dance, 1960]. Epiphany 6 No 1:79, Fall 1985.

Cathasaigh, Donal O. The cult of Brigid: a study of pagan-Christian syncretism in Ireland (bibliog, maps, photos). IN Mother worship: theme and variations; ed by J. Preston, 1982. pp. 75-94.

Chadwick, Nora K. Celtic Britain. Ancient People and Places Series, vol. 34, ed. Dr. Glyn Daniel. New York : Frederick A. Praeger, 1963.

Chadwick, Nora K. Studies in the Early British Church. London : Cambridge University Press, 1958.

Chadwick, Nora K. The Celts. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England : Penguin Books, 1970.

Chadwick, Nora K. The Druids.

Chaney, W. A. Royal Role in the Conversion of England. Journal of Church and State 9 : 317-331, August 1967.

Charriere, Georges. Feux, buchers, et autodafes bien de chez nous. Revue de l'histoire des religion 194 : 23-64, July 1978.

Chute, Desmond. On St Columban of Bobbio [Vita S Columbani]. Downside Review 67:170-182,304-314, 1949.

Confren, Mary. The Serpent and the Goddess : Women Religion, and Power in Celtic Ireland. 1st ed. San Francisco : Harper and Row, 1989.

Cooke, Richard Joseph, Bp, 1853-1931. The ancient British and Ephesian succession theories. Methodist Review 80:249-269 Mr 1898.

Corbett, Deborah. The voice of the Celtic harp [photos; Celtic modal scales]. Epiphany 5 No. 1 : 22-26, Fall 1984.

Cowan, Edward J. Myth and identity in early medieval Scotland. Scottish Historical Review 63 : 111-135, October 1984.

Cowdrey, Herbert E. J. Bede and the 'English people'. Journal of Religious History 11, 501 - 523, December 1981.

Creban, Joseph H. The Theology of Eucharistic Consecration : Role of the Priest in Celtic Liturgy (periglawr). Theological Studies 40, 334-343. June 1979.

Cunliffe, Barry. Celtic death rituals [Danebury pit burials; photos]. Archaeology 41 no 2:39-43, 1988.

Curran, M. Sacratissimi Martyres and Early Irish Latin Hymns. Studia Patristica 15, pt. 1, 539-544, 1984.

Davidson, H R Ellis. Mithraism and the Gunderstrup bowl [figs]. IN Mithraic studies, v 2; ed by J Hinnells, 1975. pp. 494-506.

Davies, Wendy. Celtic Women in the Early Middle Ages. IN Images of Women in Antiquity 145-166, 1983. ed. Averil Cameron and Amelie Kurt. Detroit, Michigan : Wayne State University Press, 1983.

Davies, Wendy. Property rights and property claims in Welsh vitae of the eleventh century. IN Hagiographie cultures et societies; by F Dolbeau, et al., 1981. pp. 515-533.

Davies, Wendy. The Latin charter-tradition in western Britain, Brittany and Ireland in the early mediaeval period. IN: Ireland in early medieval Europe; ed by D Whitelock; et al., 1982. pp. 258-280.

De Vries, Jan. La religion des Celts. The religion of Mankind Series, No. 18. Paris : Payot, 1984.

De Waal, Esther. The extraordinary in the ordinary (Celtic sacramental practice of verse in daily life). Weavings 2 : 6-15 May - June, 1987.

Deanesly, Margaret. The Pre-Conquest Church in England. New York : Oxford University Pres, 1961.

Debarge, Louis. Le syncretism religieux : druidisme et Christianisme. Melanges de Sciences Religieuses 46 : 5-21, March 1989.

Delaney, John J. ed. Saints for All Seasons. Garden City, New York : Doubleday, 1978.

Demoule, Jean-Paul. L'analyse archeologique de cimitieres et l'example des necropoles celtiques. IN La mort et les morts dans la societes anciennes. ed. Cherardo Anoli et Jean Pierre Vernant, 319-337, 1982. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1982.

Dillon, Myles. Early Irish Literature. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1948.

Dillon, Myles. The Cycles of the Kings. London : Oxford University Press, 1946.

Dooley, Kate. From Penance to Confession : The Celtic Contribution. Bijdragen : Tijdschrift voor Philosophie en Theologie 43 : 390-411, 1982.

Draak, Maartje. Migration over sea [Celtic gods in Irish mythology]. Numen 9:81-98, 1962.

Drury, P. J. Non-classical religious buildings in iron age and Roman Britain : a review [maps; bibliog]. IN Temples, churches and religion, pt 1; ed by W Rodwell, 1980. pp. 45-78.

Dumville, David N. Beowulf and the Celtic world: the uses of evidence [figs]. Traditio 37:109-160, 1981.

Duncan, Archibald A. Bede, Iona and the Picts. IN Writing of History in the Middle Ages : Essays Presented to Richard William Southern. 1-42, 1981. ed. John M. Wallace-Hadrill, Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1981.

Duval, Paul M. Observation sur les dieux de la Gaule. Revue de l'histoire des religions 145 (January - March, 54) : 5-17.

Enright, Michael J. The Sutton Hoo whetstone sceptre: a study in iconography and cultural milieu. IN: Anglo-Saxon England, 11; ed by P Clemoes, 1983. pp. 119-134.

Evans-Wentz, W. Y. The Fairy-faith in Celtic Countries. New Hyde Park, New York : University Books, 1966.

Laing, Lloyd. The Origins of Britain. New York : Schribner, 1980.

Farmer, David H. Benedict's Disciples. Leominster, Great Britain : Fowler Wright Books, Ltd., 1980.

Fenn, R. W. D. Age of the Saints. IN A History of the Church in Wales. ed. by David Walker 1-23, 1976. Penarth, Wales : Church in Wales Publishing, 1976.

Ferguson, Everett, et al., eds. Encyclopedia of Early Christianity New York : Garland Publishing, Inc., 1990.

Ford, Patrick K. Celtic Women : the Opposing Sex. IN Viator, vol 19 : Medieval and Renaissance Studies, eds. Benson, Robert L.; A. R. Branmuller, Robert I. Burns et al. Berkeley, California : University of California Press, 1988.

Forrester, Duncan B. and Douglas M. Murray, ed. Studies in the History of Worship in Scotland. Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1984.

Fox, Cyril, Sir. The Early Cultures of North-west Europe. H. M. Chadwick Memorial Studies. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1950.

Frend, William H. C. Ecclesia Britannica Prelude or Dead End? Journal of Ecclesiastical History 30 : 129-144, April 1979.

Frey, Otto-Herman. The chariot tomb from Adria: some notes on Celtic horsemanship and chariotry [photos; il; bibliog]. IN To illustrate the monuments; ed by J Megaw, 1976. pp. 171-179.

Frye, Roland M. Christ and Ingeld. (Anglo-Saxon myth) Theology Today 11, 225-232, July, 1954.

Grant, R. M. Christianity in Roman Britain. Anglican Theological Review 51 : 79-96 April 1969.

Green, Miranda J. Triplism and plurality: intensity and symbolism in Celtic religious expression [bibliog, photos] IN Sacred and profane; ed by P Garwood, et al., 1991. pp. 100-108.

Green, Miranda. The Gods of the Celts. Totowa, New Jersey : Barnes & Noble, 1986.

Green, Miranda. Theomorphism [photos; history of eastern influences in Great Britain]. IN Roman life and art in Britain, 2; J Munby and M Henig, eds., 1977. pp. 297-326.

Greene, David H, ed. An Anthology of Irish Literature. New York : The Modern Library. 1954.

Gwynn, Aubrey and R. Neville Hadcock. Medieval Religious Houses : Ireland. Harlow : Longmans, 1970.

Hanson, R. P. C. St. Patrick, a saint for all traditions. 193-196. IN Askum Thyateira : Festschrift Archbishop Methodios of Thyateira and Great Britain. London, England : Thyateira House, 1985.

Hanson, R. P. C. The Life and Writings of St. Patrick. New York : Seabury Press, 1983.

Hanson, R. P. C. Patrick and the Mensura fidei. IN Studia Patristica vol. 10, pt. 1, ed. F. Cross, 109-111, 1970.

Hanson, R. P. C. St. Patrick, His Origins and Career. London : Oxford University Press, 1968.

Hanson, R. P. C. The Omissions in the Text of the Confession of St. Patrick in the Book of Armagh. IN Studia Patristica vol. 12, pt. 1, ed. Elizabeth Livingstone 91-95, 1975.

Hatchett, Marion J. The eucharistic rite of the Stowe missal Time and community; ed by J. Alexander, 1990. pp. 153-170

Heailidhe, Padraig O. Crosses and slabs at St Berrihert's Kyle in the Glen of Aherlow. IN North Munster studies; Essays for M Moloney; ed by E Rynne, 1967. pp. 102-132.

Heist, William H. Hagiography, chiefly Celtic, and recent developments in folklore. IN Hagiographie cultures et societies; by F. Dolbeau, et al., 1981. pp. 121-141.

Heist, William W. Irish Saints' Lives, Romance and Cultural History. IN Medieval Hagiography and Romance ed. P. Clogan 25-40, 1975. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. (Medievalia et Humanistica, new series, No. 6.)

Henry, Franoise. Irish Art in the Early Christian Period (to 800 A. D.) Ithaca, New York : Cornell University Press, 1965.

Henry, Patrick Leo. The Early English and Celtic Lyric. London : Allen and Unwin, 1966.

Herbert, Maire. The Bible in early Iona [bibliog]. IN The Bible in Scottish life and literature; ed by D Wright, 1988. pp. 131-139.

Horgan, John. Irish Mist; A Tomb in Ireland May be the Oldest Astronomical Structure. Scientific American, 260 (April, 1989) : 22ff.

Hubert, Henri. The Greatness and Decline of the Celts. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1934.

Hughes, Kathleen. Evidence for Contacts Between Churches of the Irish and English From the Synod of Whitby to the Viking Age (664 - 9th Century). IN England Before the Conquest : Studies in Primary Sources Presented to Dorothy Whitelock. ed. Peter Clemoes and Kathleen Hughes 49-67, 1971, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1971.

Hughes, Kathleen. Sanctity and Secularity in the Early Irish Church. IN Sanctity and Secularity : Paper Read at the 11th Summer Meeting and the 12th Winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society. ed. Derek Baker, 21-37, 1973. Oxford : Basil Blackwell Press. Studies in Church History Vol. 10.

Hyde, Douglas. A Literary History of Ireland From Earliest Times to the Present Day. New York : Barnes & Noble, 1967.

Jackson, Kenneth. Language and History in Early Britain : A Chronological Survey of the Brittonic Languages, 1st to 12th century A. D. Edinburgh : University Press, 1971.

John, Eric. The social and political problems of the early English church. Land, church and people; ed by J Thirsk, 1970. pp. 39-63.

Jones, W. R. Medieval State-building and the Churches of the Celtic Fringe. Journal of Church and State 16 : 407-419, August, 1974.

Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic Romances. London : Longmans, Green & Co., 1920.

Keane, Edward. St. Patrick's Journey Through West Limerick. IN North Munster Studies : Essays for M. Moloney. ed. by E. Rynne. 169-171, 1967. Limerick : The Thomond Archaeological Society, 1967.

Kelly, Joseph F. T. Books, Learning, and Sanctity in Early Christian Ireland. Thought LIV (1979).

Kelly, Joseph F. T. The Virgin Birth in Hiberno-Latin Theology. Studia Patristica 15, pt 1, 328-335, 1984.

Kelly, Joseph F. T. The Escape of St. Patrick From Ireland (Confessio 17 - 19; 23). Studia Patristica 18, vol 1, 41-45, 1986.

Kelly, Joseph F. T. The Attitudes Toward Paganism in Early Christian Ireland. IN Diakonia : Studies in Honor of Robert T. Meyer. 214-223, 1986. ed. Thomas Halton, and Joseph P. Williamson, Washington, D. C. : Catholic University of America Press, 1986.

Kendrick, T. D. The Druids : A Study in Keltic Prehistory. New York : Barnes & Noble, 1966.

Kenney, James F. The Sources for the Early History of Ireland I : Ecclesiastical. New York : Octagon Books, 1966 (1929).

Knudsen, Johannes. Celtic Christianity. Dialog (Minnesota) 22 : 56-59, Winter 1983.

Knudsen, Johannes. Let's go a few steps further. [worship practices] Dialog 20 : 61-63, Winter 1981.

Laing, Lloyd, ed. Studies in Celtic survival [papers from conf on Celtic continuity, Liverpool, England, March 1976; indexed selectively]. British Archaeological Reports, 37. Oxford, England: British Archaeological Reports, 1977.

Laing, Lloyd. Celtic Britain. Britain Before the Conquest Series, ed. Andrew Wheatcraft. London : Paladin Books, 1981.

Laing, Lloyd. Segontium and the post-Roman occupation of Wales. IN Studies in Celtic survival; ed by L. Laing, 1977. pp. 57-60.

Laing, Lloyd. The Archaeology of Late Celtic Britain & Ireland. London : Methuen, 1975.

Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A History of the Expansion of Christianity : Vol II. The Thousand Years of Uncertainty. Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, 1970.

Laurence, Anne. Irish Studies and Myth History. History Today 37 December, 1987 : 8ff.

Lehane, Brendan. The Quest for Three Abbots. New York : Viking Press, 1968.

Lethbridge. Thomas Charles. Herdsmen and Hermits : Celtic Seafarers in the Northern Seas. Cambridge : Bowes and Bowes, 1950.

Lewis, Suzanne. Sacred Calligraphy : The Chi-Rho Page in the Book of Kells. Traditio : Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought and Religion 36, 139-159, 1980.

Linklater, Eric. The Royal House of Scotland. London : Macmillan Books, 1970

Loffler, Christa M. The Pre-Christian Conceptions of Time, Death, and Eternity as Reflected in Irish Mythology. IN Zeit, Tod, und Ewigkeit in die Renaissance Literatur Band 3. ed. James Hogg. Salzburg, Austria : Institut fr Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1987. (Analecta Cartusiana, 917 : 3). pp. 5-43.

Loicq, Jean. Ogmios - Varuna et l'organisation de la fonction de souverainete dans le pantheon celtique. IN Orientalia : J. Duchesne-Guillimin, Emerito Oblata, ed. Jean Loicq, Pierre Lecoq, Vassiliy Abaev, et al. Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1984, pp. 341-382.

Loomis, Roger Sherman. Celtic Myth and Arthurian Romance. New York : Haskell House, 1967.

Loomis, Roger Sherman. Studies in Medieval Literature : A Memorial Collection of Essays. New York : B. Franklin, 1970.

Loomis, Roger Sherman. The Grail, from Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol. Cardiff : University of Wales Press; New York : Columbia University Press, 1963.

Mac Cana, Proinsias. Celtic Mythology. Feltham, Hamlyn, 1970.

MacCulloch, John Arnold. Celtic Mythology. IN The Mythology of All Races, vol. 13. ed. Louis Halbert Gray. New York : Cooper Square Publishers, Inc., 1964, 23-216.

MacCulloch, John Arnold. The Religion of the Ancient Celts. Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1911.

Mackey, James P, ed. An introduction to Celtic Christianity. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1989.

MacPherson, Vicki Rourke. Newgrange: the illuminated spiral [Ireland; photos]. Anima 11:117-124, Spring 1985.

Mahr, Adolf. Christian Art in Ancient Ireland : Selected Objects Illustrated and Described. New York : Hacker Art Books, 1976.

Maier, Bernhard. Sacral kingship in pre-Christian Ireland. Zeitschrift fr Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 41 no, 1 : 12-32, 1989.

Markale, Jean. Le roi Arthur et la societe celtique. Paris : Payot, 1985.

Markale, Jean. Le druidisme. Paris : Payot, 1985.

Markale, Jean. Le Christianisme celtique et ses survivances populaires. Paris : Payot, 1983.

Markale, Jean. Les Celts et la civilisation celtique. Paris : Payot, 1983.

Markus, R. A. Chronology of the Gregorian Mission to England; Bede's Narrative and Gregory's Correspondence. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 14 : 16-30 April 1963.

McCulloch, Robert. Gregorian Adaptation in the Augustinian Missionto England. Missiology 6, 323-334, July 1978.

McNally, Robert E. 'In nominei Dei summi' Seven Hiberno - Latin Sermons. Traditio : Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought and Religion. 35 : 121-143, 1979.

McNally, Robert E. The Evangelists in the Hiberno - Latin Tradition. IN Festschrift Bernard Bischoff zu Seinem 65sten Geburtstag dargebracht von Freunden, Kollegen und Schlern 111-122, 1971. Stuttgart : Anton Hiersemann, 1971.

McNally, Robert E. The Three Holy Kings in Early Irish Latin Writing (Focus on Matt.) IN Kyriakon : Festschrift Johannes Quasten, vol 2. ed. Patrick Granfeld and Josef A. Jungman, 667-690, 1970. Munster, Westfalen, Germany : Verlag Aschendorff, 1970.

McNally, Robert E. The Old Irish Church and Romanization. IN The Romanization Tendency 1-14, 1975. ed. Jacob Vellian (Syrian Churches Series vol. 8 ) Kottayam, India : K. P. Press, 1975.

McNamara, Martin. Sources of Early Irish Theology : The Apocrypha, the Canon of Scripture. IN Milltown Studies, no. 2, Spring 1978. 58 ' 69, 1978. Dublin : Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, 1978.

McNeill, John T. Perspectives on Celtic Church History. IN Contemporary Reflections on the Medieval Christian : Essays in Honor of Ray C. Petry ed. by G. Shriver, 159-182, 1974. Durham, N. C. : Duke University Press, 1974.

McNeill, John T. The Celtic Churches : A History A. D. 200 to 1200. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1974.

McNeill, John T. Makers of Christianity.

McRoberts, David. The Cult of St. Michael in Scotland. IN Millenaire monastique du Mont-Saint-Michel, 3, ed. M. Baudot, 471-479, 1971.

McWhiney, Grady. Cracker Culture : Celtic Ways in the Old South. University, Alabama : University of Alabama Press, 1988.

Megaw, J. V. S. Iona and Celtic Britain : With and Interim Account of the Russel Trust Excavations. Journal of Religious History 3 : 212-237, June 1965.

Miller, Terry E. Oral Tradition Psalmody Surviving in England and Scotland (tunes and sources of Gaelic Psalm Singing ; tune examples) The Hymn 35, 15-22 January, 1984.

Mohrmann, C. Earliest Continental Irish Latin. Vigiliae Christianae 16 no. 3-4 : 216-233, 1962.

Mooney, Desmond. Popular religion and clerical influence in pre-famine Meath [map] Religion, conflict and coexistence in Ireland; R Comerford, 1990. pp. 188-218.

Morris, J. Dates of the Celtic Saints. Journal of Theological Studies ns 17 : 342-391, October 1966.

Ni Chathain, Proinseas and Michael Richter, eds. Ireland and Europe : The Early Church (conference papers, Dublin Ireland, 1981). Stuttgart, West Germany : Klett-Cotta, 1984.

Ni Chathain, Proinseas and Michael Richter, eds. Irland und die Christenheit : Bibel-Studien und Mission-Ireland & Christendom : the Bible and the Missions. (Papers University College Dublin, Stuttgart : Klett-Cotta, 1987.

Ni Chathain, Proinseas. Traces of the cult of the horse in early Irish sources [bibliog]. Journal of Indo-European Studies 19 : 123-131, Spring - Summer 1991.

Nolan, Mary Lee. Irish Pilgrimage : The Different Tradition. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 73, no. 3, 421-483, 1983.

Nordenfalk, Carl Adam Johan. Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Painting : Book Illumination in the British Isles, 600-800. New York : G. Braziller, 1977.

Norman, Edward R. and J. K. S. St. Joseph. The Early Development of Irish Society : The Evidence of Aerial Photography. Cambridge Air Surveys, 3. London : Cambridge University Press, 1969.

Nutt, Alfred Trubner. Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail. New York : Cooper Square Publishers, 1965.

O'Donoghue, Noel D. The Place of the Angels (excerpt from The Holy Mountain, 1983). Epiphany 5 no. 2, 22-29, Winter 1984.

O'Laoghaire, Diarmuid. Celtic Spirituality. IN The Study of Spirituality, ed. Cheslyn P. M. Jonas, Geoffery Wainwright and Edward Yarnold. New York : Oxford University Press, 1986, 216-225.

O'Laoghaire, Diarmuid. Daily Intimacy with God : An Ever New Aspect of Celtic Worship. Studia Liturgica 13, Nov 1, 46-56, 1979.

O'Meara, John H. and Bernd Naumann. Latin Script and Letters, A. D. 400 - 900 : Festschrift Presented to Ludwig Bieler on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. Leiden : Brill, 1976.

Painter, K. S. Villas and Christianity in Roman Britain; Christianity in Roman Britain : Recent Finds. 1962 - 1969. IN Actas Del 8 Congreso Arqueologia Christiana by K. Bohner, et al. 149-166; 373-374, 1972. Vatican City : Pontificio Instituto di Archeologia Cristiana, 1972.

Pearce, Susan M., ed. The Early Church in Britain and Ireland : Studies Presented to C. A. Ralegh Radford (conference papers, Exeter University, 1981; British Archaeological Reports, 102) Oxford : British Archaeological Reports, 1982.

Powell, Terence G. E. The Celts. New York : F. A. Praeger, 1958.

Prebble, John. The Lion in the North. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England : Penguin Books, 1981.

Puhvel, Martin. Beowulf and Celtic Tradition. Waterloo, Ontario : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1979.

Radford, C. A. Ralegh. The Mediterranean sources of sculpture in stone among the insular Celts and the survival into the full Medieval Age. IN Studies in Celtic survival; ed by L. Laing, 1977. pp. 113-123.

Reynolds, R. E. Virgines subintroductae in Celtic Christianity. Harvard Theological Review 61 : 547-566, October 1988.

Rhys, John. Celtic Folklore : Welsh and Manx. 2 vols. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1901.

Richard, Jean-Claude. Les petits bronzes celtiques a legende CMEP (BN 4363-4364) (ils). IN Studia Paulo Naster Oblata, 1; ed by S Scheers, 1982. pp. 323-329.

Riche, Pierre. Spirituality in Celtic and Germanic Society. (tr. D. Tamburello) IN Christian Spirituality : Origins to the 12th Century. ed. Bernard McGinn and John Meyendorff (World Spirituality, 16). New York : Crossroad, 1992.

Roe, Helen M. Ireland and the Archangel Michael. Millenaire monastique du Mont-Saint-Michel, 3 : culte du Saint Michel et peleringes au Mont. ed. M. Baudot. Paris : Bibliotheque d'Histoire et d'Archeologie Chretiennes, 1971. 418-487.

Ross, Anne. Druids, Gods and Heroes From Celtic Mythology. World Mythologies Series.

Ross, Anne. Everyday Life of the Pagan Celts. Everyday Life Series. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1970.

Ross, Anne. The Pagan Celts. Totowa, New Jersey : Barnes & Noble, 1986.

Ross, Anne. The Folklore of the Scottish Highlands. The Folklore of the British Isles. ed. Venetia J. Newall. Totowa, New Jersey : Rowman & Littlefield, 1976.

Ross, Anne. The divine hag of the pagan Celts. IN The Witch Figure : Folklore Essays by a Group of Scholars in England Honoring the 75th Birthday of Katharine M. Briggs. ed. by Venetia Newall. London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973.

Rotsaert, M. L. Progression spirituelle et progression grammaticale. IN Theolinguistics. ed, J. P. van Noppen, 295-318. Brussels : Brussels Vrije Universiteit, 1981. (Studiereeks Tijdschrift, nieuwe serie, 8)

Ryan, John. Early Irish Church and the See of Peter. IN Medieval Studies Presented to Aubrey Gwynn. ed, by J. A. Watt 3-18, 1960. Dublin : Printed by O'Lochliann.

Ryan, John. Irish Monasticism : Origins and Early Development. Dublin : Irish Academic Press, 1986.

Sanderson, S. Druids-as-wished-for. IN To Illustrate the Monuments : Essays on Archaeology Presented to Stuart Piggott 23-26, 1976. ed. J. Vincent S. Megaw. London : Thames & Hudson, 1976.

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